단결권 및 단체교섭권 협약 영어로
영어 번역
- Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949
- 및 및 and; also; as well as; in addition to;
- 협약 협약 [協約] an agreement; a convention; a
- 단체교섭 단체 교섭 [團體交涉] collective bargaining. 경영자측과 ~을 하다 bargain collectively with the management.▷ 단체 교섭권 [-權] the right to bargain collectively; the right of collective bargaining.
- 면접교섭권 Contact (law)
- 교섭단체 Parliamentary group
- 단체협약 Collective agreement
- 교섭 교섭 [交涉] [담판] negotiation; bargaining; a parley; an overture; [논의] discussion; conversation; [관계] connection; relation; dealing. 단체 ~ collective bargaining. 예비 ~ preliminary negotiations. 직접 ~ direct
- 단결 단결 [團結] unity; union; (공통의 목적·이해에서 생기는) solidarity; combination. 국민의 ~ national solidarity. 우방국(友邦國)간의 ~ the solidarity of the friendly nations. 읍사람들의 ~로 읍에서 부정이 일소되었다 Corrupt practices were cleaned
- 협약 협약 [協約] an agreement; a convention; a pact; [협상] an entente; an understanding. 노동 ~ a labor agreement. 단체 ~ a collective[ trade] agreement. 신사 ~ a gentleman's[gentlemen's] agreement. 통상 ~ a commerci
- 통신 및 미디어 단체 Communications and media organizations
- 의결권 Voting interest
- 자결권 Self-determination
- 동방 가톨릭 수도회 및 단체 Eastern Catholic orders and societies
- 로마 가톨릭 수도회 및 단체 Catholic orders and societies